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The Goal Kicker, Issue 0408 April 01, 2008 |
The Goal Kicker – April 2008 EditionWelcome to this month’s edition of “The Goal Kicker” – the monthly ezine produced by - dedicated to helping you achieve your goals by providing goal setting related articles and reviews of the latest goal setting products available.In this edition you’ll find:
Sam Sander Have you downloaded your FREE gift for subscribing to “The Goal Kicker”? If not, please download and enjoy your FREE copy of “How to Make your Dreams Come True" by Don Loyd as a thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.
”Why some people succeed and other’s don’t”What’s this article about?Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and others aren’t? Or have you ever said “I’m not like them – I can’t be successful? Well I’ll let you in on a little secret – anyone can be successful. YOU can be successful. But there are a couple of things you need to know. Here’s the Article… Have you ever wondered why some people are successfull and others aren’t? Or have you ever said “I’m not like them – I can’t be successful? Well I’ll let you in on a little secret – anyone can be successful. YOU can be successful. But there are a couple of things you need to know. First of all, no-one has become successful by sitting on their proverbial butt and doing nothing about it. As they say, you need to plan to become what you plan to become. Sure, some people may have a seemingly easy run to the top – maybe they inherit the family business or maybe they just had a lot of luck along the way. But most successful people had a ‘normal’ upbringing, and some even had a disadvantaged upbringing – they just learnt how to seize opportunities and learnt the skills of success. Which brings me to my second point – learn the skills of success. Goal Setting. Time management. Planning and decision making. Goal setting in particular is what makes people successful - it gives you a meaningful target to aim for and when done properly, gives you the roadmap to get there. So set specific and measurable goals with deadlines, and prepare an action plan to achieve them. But thirdly – and probably most importantly – know that success is different to everyone. Work out what your definition of success is and strive to achieve it. You don’t have to be a ‘Donald Trump’ to be one of life’s successful - normal people like you and me just want the best for our family and to live a happy, comfortable life. Or perhaps you’re more ambitious than that? It doesn’t matter how big or small your ambitions are, the best (the only) way to get there is to set goals – regularly – and take action towards achieving your goals. Think about what you want on your tombstone and in your obituary – and live this life. There are many other secrets of success:
For more information on what makes people successful, click on the ”Successful People” tab on the NavBar.
Product of the Month – “Goal Pro 2008”
Do you review your goals once a year only to find you are no closer to achieving them? If you're thinking there's a missing ingredient between you and your success, you’re right! Twenty years ago goal setting was a myth. Today every athlete, every politician, and every business leader knows success must start with a goal. But those who succeed also know the goal is not enough. You've got to follow-up with action. And the competition today is much more sophisticated. Do you have a strategy to beat YOUR competition? Turbo charge your goals with GoalPro 2008. GoalPro is the finest goal-setting software program on the market, launching your goals towards the fast-track to achievement. Every Success Coach in the nation stresses the importance of clearly defined goals. Unfortunately, the method proposed is to write your goals on paper! GoalPro is a software-based goal-setting and achievement system, designed to provide you with all necessary tools to define, maintain, track, and achieve your goals. Are you still setting YOUR goals on paper?? GoalPro is one of the finest goal setting software programs we’ve seen on the market, launching your goals towards the fast-track to achievement. Better still, there is a downloadable trial version available so you can try before you buy! Download your free trial version of this goal setting software today!! Refer to the ”Software” and ”Systems” tabs on the NavBar for more reviews on other goal setting software and systems available.
Book of the Month – “WAHM-IT! Masters Course”, by Ken Evoy
You are in constant motion as a stay-at-home mum or dad... loving, nurturing, helping, guiding, playing, comforting, organizing, mediating, laughing, managing, healing, giving. Family comes first and you are loving it! There is no other place that you would rather be than with your kids. But, at the same time, you would also like/need to contribute financially to the family. So... if you stay at home, why not Work At Home, Mum (WAHM)? WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course will show you how. Four Work-At-Home Moms (WAHMs), the course's authors, will introduce you to a work solution that "fits" naturally with your family needs and yet is rewarding, exciting and soul-satisfying for you. Just like they are doing, you too can create an information-rich Web site that is based on something you know and love. No technical knowledge or prior experience is Learn from the experiences and advice of Elizabeth, Cate, Jennifer and Erin (and several other successful WAHMs) in WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course. They are busy moms just like you and they know what it's like. So they have taken the time to tell you everything, from reviewing all your options and organizing properly. And they progress all the way to the final desired outcome, including the nitty-gritty of how to actually build a substantial income online, illustrating with well-explained case studies. An online business is affordable, flexible, and convenient. You can work at your Web site and business when you like, at the speed that suits you, and still put the all-important needs of your family first. In other words, you can take your family to work with you! The most amazing part about this course for Moms? It's free! Click here to download WAHM- IT!, The Masters Course" e-books. You will get a pdf e-book in 3 parts: 1) "WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course" -- provides all the how-to information you need to successfully build a real business on the Net. 2) The "Case Studies" -- this volume shares the inspiring stories of real-life SBI! WAHMs and their Web sites. 3) "Get Organized to Work at Home" -- offers tips on managing your household and family successfully while you work. Find out how to use the Net, the right process, and the right tools to achieve the kind of "work payback" that you have been dreaming about... Be there for your kids, generate long-term income (that could very well become your family's primary income), fuel your own creativity and passion, and of course, have fun! Take a few minutes for yourself and read WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course today. Discover your best work-at-home solution! You can pick up a FREE copy of “WAHM IT! Masters Course” from the ToolBOX or directly from
Featured Link of the month - www.naphill.orgNapoleon Hill was born into relative poverty in Virginia (US) in 1883. He began writing for a small newspaper at age 13, before embarking on a lifetime of writing on the topic of personal success and achievement.His life’s work is the cornerstone of modern motivational writing, which is based on the premise that "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve". He reached this conclusion by studying ‘successful’ people, and developing 15 “laws” of success. Many of today’s motivational speakers and success experts have adopted Hill’s philosophy of achievement. Which brings me to the website featured this month, to pass on his teachings in personal motivation, success and achievement, Napoleon Hill established the non-profit educational institution called the Napoleon Hill Foundation. His books as well as audios, videotapes and other motivational products are available from the Foundation so you can build up your own arsenal of success tools. Hill’s philosophy of achievement was based on the following general beliefs and principles:
His philosophy of achievement is best documented in his book, “Think and Grow Rich”. This book is the all-time bestseller in the field of motivation and self-help, and is still a popular seller. So next time you’re cruising online, check out
ToolBOX Talk – how to get the best out of the ‘10 Year Health Plan’The ToolBOX on the website contains FREE forms, templates and worksheets for all your goal setting needs. In the “”Life Planning Workbook” you’ll find the ‘Success/ Failure Analysis’ tool. This tool consists of 3 pages.The first page of the tool is a template for performing a detailed Success/ Failure analysis for a particular task or event, and you can use this page in a couple of different ways.
The second page of the tool is a summary page. This is where you write down all the lessons learnt from all your successes and failures. This page shows you YOUR pattern of success – and this is the pattern you need to follow. This page also shows you your pattern of failure – the actions you need to avoid if you want to succeed. The third page of the tool offers a great explanation on how to complete Page 1 of the tool [the detailed analysis] and includes some trigger questions for you to get to the heart of WHY you succeeded or failed. The one thing this page doesn’t trigger though is the issue of ‘blame’ – it wasn’t MY fault! If you want to blame someone or something, then blame them! [not actually to their face though]. BUT, always realise that even if you think someone or something else is to blame for your failures, YOU are still the only person in control of what YOU do. So instead of thinking, “It’s not my fault”, start thinking “How could I have managed that situation better?”. People who fall into a pattern of blame will also fall into a pattern of failure. But like failure, LEARN from you tendency to blame and learn how to recognise when someone is going to let you down. Ultimately, YOU are the some responsible for your success or failure. Conversely, during a Success Analysis, you also need to be honest about people who were instrumental in your success and what you can learn from them. For more information on reviewing progress and past performances, refer to the “”How to Achieve” tab on the NavBar, and read through the sections on monitoring goal progress. Have you got a better goal setting tool that you’d like to share with the world? Well, send it in and we’ll add it to the ToolBOX – kudos to you of course!
Our Quote of the Month – explained…“A journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step” Simple, I know – but so many people get intimidated by their goals because they focus on how much work and effort they have to put in to achieve them. And this is bad news as it paralyses you from taking action on your goals. And yes – some goals DO take a lot of time and effort to achieve. It takes on average 1000 hours to learn a new skill – and that’s only to a level where you are barely proficient! It takes much longer to become an ‘expert’ and longer still if you’re trying a skill that’s ‘difficult’ for you. Goals like weight loss can also seem daunting – when you know you have 20 kg of weight to lose, it’s hard to believe you’ll ever get there. But you will – one step at a time. You’ll achieve your skill – by putting in 1 hour of effort at a time. You’ll lose your 20 kg, by losing 1 kg at a time. And every piece of the ‘new skill puzzle’ you put together, and every bit of weight you lose – will get you more and more motivated to take that next little step towards your goal. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So break your goals up into mini-goals and achieve these one at a time – knowing that each one is moving you towards your ultimate destination. And regularly measure your progress against your goal – record every hour you spend developing your new skill, record your weight every week. If you monitor your progress, you’ll see that elephant getting smaller and smaller – and you’ll see the realization of your goal. Want more information on HOW to monitor your goals? Checkout the ‘’How to Achieve’ tab on the NavBar to find out.
Well, that’s all for now! But don’t worry, the next edition of “The Goal Kicker” is only a month away. We would love to get your feedback on “The Goal Kicker”– what do you like? What don’t you like? - so we can make it even better. Catch you next month! |
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