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The Goal Kicker, Issue 0508 May 01, 2008 |
The Goal Kicker – May 2008 EditionWelcome to this month’s edition of “The Goal Kicker” – the monthly ezine produced by - dedicated to helping you achieve your goals by providing goal setting related articles and reviews of the latest goal setting products available. In this edition you’ll find:
Yours truly, Sam Sander Have you downloaded your FREE gift for subscribing to “The Goal Kicker”? If not, please download and enjoy your FREE copy of “How to Make your Dreams Come True" by Don Loyd as a thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. ”The Empowering Beliefs of Great Achievers”What’s this article about?This article has been provided by guest writer Mohamad Latiff, who has a great website on the Ultimate Secrets of Success. And Mohamad is giving away his $997 Accelerated Wealth Attraction technology that is guaranteed to at least triple your wealth in 40 days or less using the Law of Attraction - FREE. Plus you'll receive a 40-day 30% discount coupon to get his Ultimate Success Package at $34 off the regular price! Only at Ultimate Secrets of! Here’s the Article… If you were able to pick the mind of some of the Great Achievers of our times, what do you think you would find? You would find a common belief that life is a manifestation based on less of what you do and more of what you think. While the old adage, “Action speaks louder than words,” is true to an extent, your thoughts are really much more powerful then anything you are doing. That grey matter between your ears controls so much more then many people realize. “I think therefore I am,” should resonate deep down into your bones, and fill your heart and soul because it is this statement, this belief that will shape your life from here on out. It really isn’t just because Einstein, Jefferson, Wright brothers, Mozart or Michelangelo were smarter or more creative than us, they also know how to use their minds to create the life that they wanted. That is the difference between a mediocre person and those great achievers; they have to learn to think the right way. It does sound funny- “think the right way” -as if there is a way to think the wrong way. Well there is. If your mind is constantly occupied with negative thoughts then you are thinking the wrong way. Those negative thoughts that are filling your head are sending out a very powerful vibration into the universe. Through the Law of Attraction, the universe brings back to you opportunities that have similar vibrations to what you are emitting, the whole “like attracts like.” You may be thinking thoughts such as “I will never fail,” which doesn’t seem very negative; the universe does not operate in positive and negatives it simply takes what you are thinking about, which in that statement is failure, and brings it to you. The thought that should be in your head is “ I will succeed.” This does not leave room for anything other then success. Always think in the positive. This isn’t seeing the silver lining around the gray cloud anymore, this is only seeing that silver lining. If you leave room for doubt, it will move in and take up more space then what you had offered it. The same holds true in business. You have to think positively about what you want to achieve. You will be a success, now picture that success in your head. Know exactly what that success means to you and what it entails and it will be yours. If you encounter a problem or a failure, look at those as chances for you to grow and improve. Here is a list of 15 empowering beliefs that all high achievers have: 1. They like who they are, this gives them very high and healthy self esteem. You won’t get far if you do not believe in yourself. 2. They have a positive attitude. It is all about perception, the way you choose to look at things. 3. They understand that self destruction is not conducive to success. 4. They make every effort to be self aware so that they can release themselves from self imposed limitations. The only thing that stands in your way is you… just you! 5. They are on top of the thoughts that flow through their minds, making sure that they are positive and constructive. 6. They focus on what it is they are after, what they want to achieve and believe that it will manifest. 7. They have purpose. 8. They know their goals and know how to create the environment that will achieve them. 9. They accept that the only person responsible for who and where they are is themselves. No one had the perfect life growing up, however great achievers know that they are responsible for how they live their life, not anyone else. 10. They let go. Holding on to negative thoughts isn’t going to help you. There isn’t anything that you can do about what happened in the past. You need to accept that it had happened; let go of it and take the steps to make sure you don’t repeat it again. 11. They are gracious for what they have. 12. They are determined and persistent. 13. They are realistic. If you are human, please know that you can’t work or force miracles. No matter how fast you are, the rainbow always disappear before you reach it. 14. They focus on the most valuable use of their time. 15. They surround themselves with other like-minded people, because collectively they are a stronger source of energy and a consistent reminder that they can succeed. If you are doubting your ability, let’s be clear that it is not impossible for you to become a great achiever, you simply need to start thinking like one. If you are wondering what is stopping you from having the most successful business around, you are. You are sitting there, looking around, going, “Money… time… planning… a place to run the business.. supplies…etc… etc,” keep this in your mind: if you really want to be successful, you would set your mind to it and know that you can achieve your dreams. This empowering thought, this belief would erase every reason that you can list. You are the key. Product of the Month – “The Ultimate Success Package”Since Mohamad Latiff guest wrote the previous article, it’s only logical to highlight one of the products offered by Ultimate Secrets of Secrets of has just launched a brand new, original, intensive personal development, idea generation, law of attraction, goal setting and wealth creation 3-system package called "The Ultimate Success Package". That was a mouthful! The 3-system package includes several ebooks - "How To Create A Life Of Wealth, Success & Happiness By Simply Asking", "Unleash Your Guru Within" and the "COMPASS - Control My Path And Strive For Success” (5 report modules) – that will take you from start to finish and guarantee that you’ll:
Ultimate Secrets of also offers FREE intensive Accelerated Wealth Attraction online mentoring sessions worth over $997. There are many websites and systems that promote the law of attraction for attracting wealth – and this one is no exception. But what I like about "The Ultimate Success Package" and the Accelerated Wealth Attraction sessions is that the practices are explained in simple terms and are supported with clear examples. For more information on how to be a success, check out the ”Success Secrets” page on our website. Book of the Month – “Master Your Time”If you often feel like you have too much to do and too little time to do it, you are not alone. Many people are suffering from what is known as "time famine," the feeling that there just isn't enough time to do what you need to do, let alone what you want to do.Despite the great advances in technology and productivity tools over the past thirty years, many people still find themselves working harder and longer than ever... with no end in sight! The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way.
If you would like to be more productive, feel great as you get your most important tasks done, and spend more time with your family, your hobbies, or simply enjoying your life, without having to pay a fortune to go to an expensive seminar, then this ebook is definitely for you. This book teaches you step-by-step everything you need to do to manage your time better. Imagine what it would mean to become a better time manager. You could:
Think about how good you'll feel making steady progress on your tasks and keeping track of everything that you need to do without feeling stressed or overwhelmed... even if you have hundreds of different tasks on your list! But that’s not all. Because even though time management is a common theme of many books you find today, most will not offer you the practical tools revealed in this book. Tools that you can use every day. Tools that give you the “edge” at work and help you produce outstanding results. This ebook teaches you HOW to create and use a time management system that really works and helps you get things done – it’s clear, simple and packed with expert advice. How much better would you feel by taking control of your time with your own time management system? Featured Link of the month -![]() While we’re on a ‘career’ focus this edition, is a useful little site if you’re looking for information and tools on career and business related topics. The site specifically includes a lot of information on human resource development including team building [lots of team building games and activities and ice breakers], personality profiling and theories on learning styles and personal development. The site can be a little difficult to navigate because there is just so much stuff on it, but there is a Google ‘Search the site’ function which makes it a lot easier. There’s also a sub-domain called ‘Business Space’, which allows like-minded people to share their thoughts of the business world and upload business/ career development resources to share – you’ll find some of our resources in ‘Business Space’, under the profile called ‘goal-setting-succes’ [yes, I know I spelt it incorrectly!]. There doesn’t appear much in the way of censorship in Business Space, and there are some profiles that aren’t business related – like the one called ‘Male Strippers’. But for the most part, there are some very interesting profiles and resources in this space. So is definitely worth a look, if you’ve got some time to cruise! ToolBOX Talk – how to get the best out of the ‘Personal SWOT Analysis’ ToolThe ToolBOX on the website contains FREE forms, templates and worksheets for all your goal setting needs.In the “”Life Planning Workbook” you’ll find a Personal SWOT Analysis template. The website and SWOT analysis tool gives quite a lot of guidance on how to do a personal SWOT analysis – so I won’t go into this again. But how do you actually apply this information? Well, let’s say for example, you work as part of a team full of other ambitious people who are all trying to push their way into your manager’s close circle. One of your weaknesses is ‘lack of assertiveness’, so you don’t feel you can match the confidence of the other people in your team. But one of your strengths that you’ve identified is being able to comprehend speech and take good notes. This is a great skill for conferences etc., but how can you lever off this in you career? Perhaps you could offer to take minutes of meetings for your manager at critical meetings – a few good sets of minutes with accurately minuted actions will make you a valuable asset to you manager and before long, you’ll be getting invited to all of his meetings and soon become his right-hand-man [or woman]. What a great way to get noticed – and get ahead of your team mates! And as you get closer and more valuable to your manager, he will begin to value your opinions and other skills – and before too long, your self-confidence will have soared and you will start becoming more assertive! Do you see how in this example, you used your strengths to cash in on an opportunity to get closer to your manager and at the same time, squashed your threats AND improved a weakness. This is also an example of ‘expert’ leadership, where you gain followers through your technical ability, rather than charisma or delegation – and ‘expert’ leadership is the best kind of leadership. Of course if note taking is one of your weaknesses, then try a different approach. Perhaps you could offer to prepare the PowerPoint presentations for these meetings instead, and then use the meetings as a way of practicing your comprehension note taking skills. So do your own personal SWOT analysis – what personal strengths can YOU use to capture an opportunity? For more information on how to do a personal SWOT analysis, refer to the “”Life Skills” tab on the NavBar, and follow the prompts to the SWOT Analysis page. Have you got a better goal setting tool that you’d like to share with the world? Well, send it in and we’ll add it to the ToolBOX – kudos to you of course! Our Quote of the Month – explained…“ The best discoveries are made outside your comfort zone”, HallmarkYou can always count on Hallmark for making us think about ourselves. And we all love sitting in our comfort zones – we feel safe and secure, happy, confident and in control. But you can’t grow within your comfort zone – and you miss out on so much if you sit there all your life. Imagine if you were stuck in the same room all your life, just how mundane that would become. Well, your life is like a room too, packed full of all your life experiences so far. And that’s why it’s called a comfort zone – it’s filled with all things familiar to you. How do you make your comfort zone bigger? Get out and get some more life experiences to add to your room – that’s how! And every new discovery or life experience you add to your comfort zone, the bigger and more interesting it will become. So the longer you stay outside your comfort zone, the bigger it gets. It will grow bigger and bigger and bigger until it catches up with YOU, where-ever YOU are. And once your comfort zone includes those discoveries you once thought were ‘un-comfortable’, will now be just a normal part of life and you’ll start looking for even more discoveries to add. But don’t worry, I’m not talking about locking the door to your comfort zone and throwing away the key! Your comfort zone will always be there when you need a breather. In fact, it’s recommended to have an escape plan back to your comfort zone if things ‘out there’ get a little rough. So, get out of your comfort zone and see what’s out there! Well, that’s all for now! But don’t worry, the next edition of “The Goal Kicker” is only a month away. We would love to get your feedback on “The Goal Kicker”– what do you like? What don’t you like? - so we can make it even better. Catch you next month! |
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