The Goal Kicker – May 2009 Hot Topics
Hi! Welcome to the mid-month mini issue of “The Goal Kicker: Hot Topics”.
In today’s economic climate, we’re getting lots of requests for products and services on “Wealth Creation” - so we thought we would highlight some useful links and tools to help you with your own wealth creation.
Of course, the achieve-goal-setting-success.com website is dedicated to helping you achieve ALL your goals – including your wealth creation goals - so I also recommend that you read through the pages on ”Financial Goals” and check out the new page on Wealth Creation...
Some other tools and websites that you’ll find helpful (and mostly FREE) are:
- try these FREE CD’s from famous success speaker Brian Tracy, who shares the secrets of wealthy success stories with you.
- 7 FREE Lessons on the Science of Getting Rich - you’ve heard the hype, now get educated! This is a great introduction to applying the science of getting rich and gives you enough to really get your teeth into it and start making a real difference in your life.
- Ultimate Secrets of Success - offers FREE Accelerated Wealth Attraction sessions guaranteed to at least triple your wealth in 40 days or less using the Law of Attraction. Also try the FREE ebook “Break Free Now”, by Mohamad Latiff. The book will show you how to free yourself of what’s holding you back so you can achieve your full potential.
- Rich Dreams – offers a FREE 7 part course on how to attract wealth and abundance through positive thought. Rich Dreams has also supplied an article for this site on “The Big Secret”.
- DreamManifesto - provides advice on how to manifest your dreams and offers a FREE E-book on the principles of successful manifesting. Or get a copy oft the free e-book here.
- Site Sell – Everything you could possibly need to know about HOW to establish a successful business or personal website is available FREE from Site Sell.
Of course, if you’re looking for a something with a bit more grunt to really get you going on creating your fortune, then the following programs and services are the pick of the bunch (and are really quite affordable, when you about the benefits of wealth creation):
- The Way to Wealth System - Brian Tracy's wealth building system will teach you how to start your own business, make it a success, create huge profits, and finally become financially independent. But more importantly, the Way to Wealth System contains the principles of improving the quality of life.
- The Unbreakable Laws of Money Package - from Brian Tracy. Over the years, Brian has studied why some people easily attract money and abundance. He has interviewed successful business owners and thousands of self-made millionaires to find the real secrets about money. He has now compiled this valuable information into one incredible package. This super set contains a 60-minute CD audio program, a 239-page book, and a bonus 1-hour Teleseminar CD.
- The Science of Getting Rich Seminar Series – find out HOW to apply the power of “The Secret”, rather than just what it is. I recommend you at least try the 7 FREE Lessons on the Science of Getting Rich...
- Ultimate Secrets of Success - offers an excellent ‘success’ system called “The Ultimate Success Package”, but also offers FREE Accelerated Wealth Attraction sessions guaranteed to at least triple your wealth in 40 days or less using the Law of Attraction.
- Selling Riches System v1.0, a subscription service aimed at internet marketing and offering a full-fledged Home Study Course, a Members-Only online access area and a 50/50% Affiliate Program with Marketing Tools.
- 7 steps to success - The 7-Day-Success program takes all known success strategies and turns them into a step-by-step process that thousands have already used to reach all sorts of goals and further their careers.
- Tony Robbins website - Robbins has dedicated his life to creating and implementing strategies for the extraordinary quality of life desired by individuals and organizations throughout the world. Pick up your own copy of his success and personal achievement systems on his website, including Get The Edge With Anthony Robbins!.
For more information on wealth creation, check out the following pages of our website:
How to make money - a look at different options for making more money.
Investments - how to use investments for long term wealth.
”The Science of Getting Rich” - what is “The Secret”, the science of getting rich and the law of attraction.
”Using Affirmations to Attract Money”, an article by Jeff Staniforth.
If there is a particular success related topic you’d like us to cover in “The Goal Kicker: Hot Topics”, let us know and we’ll see what we can do…
Catch you next month!
Sam Sander
“A penny saved is a penny earned.”