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The Goal Kicker - October 2009 Edition
October 01, 2009
Hi <>,

The Goal Kicker - October 2009

Welcome to this month’s edition of “The Goal Kicker” – the monthly ezine produced by - dedicated to helping you achieve your goals by providing goal setting related articles and reviews of the latest goal setting products available.

In this edition you’ll find:

  • An article on “Why Do Some Affirmations Work and Others Don't?”, by guest author Jeff Staniforth
  • A review of the FREE “Affirmations Course” , from Affirmware
  • A review of the audio book ”The Secrets of Being Unstoppable”, by Guy Finley
  • A review of this month’s Featured Link to
  • ToolBOX Talk – how to get the best out of the ’Goals for Kids’ worksheet
  • Our inspirational quote of the month explained.
So, I hope you enjoy this month’s edition of “The Goal Kicker” – and achieve your own personal success by setting goals today.

Yours truly,

Sam Sander
Achieve Goal Setting Success
Your Money and Finance
The Success Squid

Have you downloaded your FREE gift for subscribing to “The Goal Kicker”? If not, please download and enjoy your FREE copy of “How to Make your Dreams Come True" by Don Loyd as a thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

As part of this subscription we also issue a mid-month mini-newsletter – “The Goal Kicker: Hot Topics”. This mid-month issue is part of the same subscription as the monthly “Goal Kicker” and will include a short punch-list of new releases, new websites and refreshers on a range of success topics.

”Why Do Some Affirmations Work and Others Don't?”, by Jeff Staniforth

What’s this article about?
By definition, an affirmation is a statement repeated time and again either verbally or mentally -- or written down. The words of the affirmation statement - in themselves -when spoken, thought of, or written *without* a pictorial (visualized) or emotional connection -- make a very weak affirmation. And this is why some affirmations work and others don’t.

Here’s the Article…
By definition, an affirmation is a statement repeated time and again either verbally or mentally -- or written down. The words of the affirmation statement - in themselves -when spoken, thought of, or written *without* a pictorial (visualized) or emotional connection -- make a very weak affirmation.

Affirmations, when worded correctly -- and when emotionally charged - are able to tap into the unlimited creative power of your subconscious mind, and manifest your desires.

Affirmations are not all created equal. Some are, of course, better than others. There are *power affirmations* that have been proven again and again to work - and I'll reveal some of them in a moment.

When you examine the structure of these power affirmations, you, too, can learn how to create your own powerful affirmations for your specific purposes.

Consider the following:

  • "I am what I choose to be."
  • "All my needs are met instantaneously."
  • "I love and accept myself exactly as I am."
  • "_____________ comes to me easily and effortlessly." (Fill in the blank with what you desire.)
  • "I am now perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit."
  • "I now create my wonderful, ideal life."

What do the above power affirmations have in common?

1) They're stated in the present tense.

An affirmation is more effective when stated in the present tense. For example; "I now have a wonderful job." Avoid affirming something in the future tense, e.g. "I am going to have a wonderful job" or the results will always be waiting to happen.

2) They express a positive statement.

Affirmations need to be stated in the most positive terms possible. Avoid negative statements. Affirm what you do want, rather than what you don't want. For example: "I am no longer sick." This is a negative statement. Instead, affirm: "I am now perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit." This statement is much more powerful as it is positive and reinforces your desired goal and doesn't confuse your subconscious mind with the mention of the undesirable condition.

3) They're short and specific.

Short affirmations are easy to say, and have a far greater impact at the subconscious level than those which are long and wordy. Keeping them specific and to the point adds power as the idea is uncluttered by extraneous elements.

The mechanics that make affirmations powerful are:


The importance of repetition cannot be overemphasized. It imprints the affirmation into your subconscious mind.


Get involved, be passionate, and use your emotions. Think carefully about the meaning of the words as you repeat them rather than just writing, typing or saying them.


Practicing affirmations with persistence achieves results much sooner than practicing them periodically. Successive sessions will have a compounding effect.


You don't necessarily have to believe your affirmation initially, in order for it to work. Belief will grow with your forthcoming successes. What you do need is the ability to *feel* what it would be like when the desire you're affirming is fulfilled, or your need met. Every time that you have a need -- and that need is met -- a certain "feeling" is produced in you. You need to evoke that same feeling when you state your affirmation. In other words, you need to feel with every fiber of your being that what you desire has already happened. Without this feeling, your affirmation is powerless.

Impress Yourself

Personalize your affirmations. They must *resonate* with you -- feel right for you. The stronger your connection with the affirmation, the deeper the impression it makes on your mind, and the sooner you will experience positive results.

So there you have it - the simple formula for creating affirmations that work. Based on the above, you can easily create your own affirmations to manifest any desire or need you have in life.

TIP: Although the practice of affirmations is easy, some people find it challenging to repeat the affirmations continuously while maintaining the highly charged emotional state necessary in making affirmations work. DID YOU KNOW... that you can use your computer to make the affirmation process effortless - and that you can automate those challenging aspects (such as maintaining highly charged emotions), and thereby, manifest your desires more quickly? Go to the AffirmWare Website to find out how.

Join the millions of People Around the World Who Have Discovered the Power of Affirmations. Send for FREE subscription of "Affirmations For The Mind" Tips and Techniques Newsletter, the premier publication on self-improvement & personal growth. Each issue contains powerful sample affirmations that have been tested and proven to get results.

This article appeared in “Affirmation For The Mind” newsletter. (Web site subscription). (c) Jeff Staniforth - All Rights reserved.

Product of the Month – “FREE Affirmation Course”, by Affirmware

Whatever your goals in life, the FREE "7 Part Affirmation Course" from AffirmWare can help you reach them – and it’s FREE. Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool for manifesting desires. In fact, people from all walks of life - from Personal Development coaches and sales professionals, to religious leaders and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations. And this FREE course is packed with practical suggestions to get you started. Just some of the valuable things you'll learn are:
  • How Affirmations Work
  • The Affirmation Practice
  • How to Write Affirmations
  • Visualizations
  • Sample Affirmations
  • Affirmations Not Working, Why?
  • Removing Blockages
The “7 Part Affirmation Course” from Affirmware covers these powerful, goal-achieving, life-changing strategies in clear, no-nonsense English anyone can understand. Plus it gives dozens of pointers to help you achieve your goals. And if you're new to affirmations, the course takes you through a step-by-step "correct elements" checklist for ensuring maximum effectiveness.

The "7 part Affirmation Course" comes to you with no obligation. It's simply a way of introducing you to AffirmWare. So download your FREE copy of the course today!

For more information on the use of affirmations to create your success, read the articles on Affirmations by clicking on the ”Articles” tab on the NavBar.

Book of the Month – “The Secrets of being Unstoppable”, by Guy Finley

My friends over at non-profit Life of Learning Foundation have just released a startling new program I felt sure you'd want to know about.

It's called Secrets of Being Unstoppable: a comprehensive 14-hour audio program that shows you how to realize and release a secret power most of us don't even realize is ours!

A power that can help you:

  • Outsmart any fearful, anxious, or stressful feeling.
  • Have fun wherever you are, no matter what you're doing.
  • Be daring, bold, courageous, and audacious.
  • Walk straight into moments that have always scared you.
  • Follow through and achieve what your heart is yearning to do.
  • Put the magic and meaning back into your relationships.
The program features groundbreaking insights and instruction from best-selling self-realization author, Guy Finley.

Guy has worked tirelessly for nearly 30 years fine-tuning and honing this material. And now in this latest release, the staff at his non-profit Foundation have taken the very best of his individual programs and packaged them all into one complete course.

The reason I recommend this so highly is because it's one of the few programs out there that actually delivers on its promise. There are a lot of experts who talk about living fearlessly, and about living from an indomitable spirit. But they never seem to answer the one question everyone asks:

"How do I do it?" In Secrets of Being Unstoppable, you'll finally get the answer to that question. But even better than that, you'll find yourself holding the keys to an extraordinary new kind of understanding that will prove itself - by far - to be the greatest benefit of all.

I urge you to invest a few minutes of your time to read the following message from Jeff Roberts at Life of Learning. He gives a very intriguing explanation of the insights, benefits, and new understanding you'll get from this program.

So Discover the Secrets of Being Unstoppable!

Featured Link of the month -

With the global economy now hopefully on the mend, I hope you all have survived and more importantly, learnt from the experience. Afterall, it is adverse experiences like recession that encourage us to grow and strengthen our resolve to rebuild and prosper.

So with some light on the horizon, it’s timely to remind you of the Your Money and Finance website.

This website compliments the ”Financial Goals” section of our Achieve Goal Setting Success website by providing more ‘how-to’ information on managing your money and finances.

You can find out about:

  • Learn the basics about money and finance - Find out how to budget, how to save money and reduce debt, and get some great tips on how to tighten that money belt!
  • Find out about debt – the good, the bad and the ugly! Find out how to make debt work for you, and how to avoid the pitfalls of modern credit.
  • Find out how to make more moneymake more money – investments, assets, career, wealth creation, e-commerce and more.
  • Teach your kids about money and set them up for life – kids that start ahead stay ahead!
And over the following months we’ll be adding more content and more resources, including a Microsoft Excel budgeting spreadsheet and E-Courses to help you manage your money.

So check out Your Money and Finance today!

ToolBOX Talk – how to get the best out of the ‘Goals for Kids’ worksheet

The ToolBOX on the website contains FREE forms, templates and worksheets for all your goal setting needs.

In the ”Goal Setting Forms for Kids” section you’ll find a Goals for Kids worksheet. And at the start of the new year, what better time than now to sit down wit your children and help them achieve their goals.

Now the concept of SMART goals equally applies to kids as it does to adults, but it is a bit of a struggle for kids to understand – so setting goals with your children is all about keeping it simple! But it helps if you have an understanding of SMART goals first [just click on the ‘’About Goals’ tab on the NavBar to find out], so you can provide insightful guidance as you work through goal setting wit your child.

So keeping it simple – yet still effective – for your child, the worksheet steps through the following goal elements:
  • What is the goal – in other words, what does your child really want to achieve. Now this is where you need to provide some constructive guidance to make sure that your child’s dream is achievable and realistic. Your child probably won’t be able to become an astronaut in the foreseeable future!
  • When do they want to achieve the goal - again some guidance regarding realistic timeframes is important here. Perhaps some interim goals could help if your child has a long term goal.
  • What to do first - now here comes the best bit! Discuss your child’s goal and HOW they can achieve it. This is important in developing the action plan so they can achieve their goals. And identify the thing they need to do first – their first step in achieving their goal. This can be really exciting and worth celebrating when they’ve achieved it too!
  • What steps are next - of course, the first step is only that. Help your child identify all the steps they need to take in order to achieve their goal.
Once your child has set their goals, it’s really important as parents that you follow up on their progress. Attention spans waiver, kids change their minds, some other new fad may get their attention – there are a number of reasons why kids may put their goals aside. And that’s OK – because goals change as we grow, and goals and action plans need to be flexible enough to allow this.

So just remind them why they set a particular goal in the first place, help them work out what they REALLY want, keep them on track with their goals as best you can and celebrate their successes when they do achieve that goal (or even a milestone).

Goal setting is a vital skill for life, so by helping your children set and achieve their goals you are teaching them how to be successful in life too.

For more information on teaching children goal setting, refer to the “”Goals for Kids” tab on the NavBar.

Have you got a better goal setting tool that you’d like to share with the world? Well, send it in and we’ll add it to the ToolBOX – kudos to you of course!
“Sometimes it’s very difficult to keep momentum when it’s you that you are following”, from Evita the musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

From Andrew Lloyd Webbers’s musical ‘Evita’ this lyric sums up something we all feel from time to time – you know the one? That drop in energy and drive? That feeling of fatigue you get when you seem to be driving and driving towards your goal, and yet there’s still a long way to go? That stuck in a rut feeling?

It’s very easy to get disheartened on your way to achieving your goals, particularly if you have a set back or where it is difficult to see actual progress. Or in the case of this quote, you can just simply get a drop in drive when you seem to be the only one out there driving…

But there here are some tips to keep you going:

  • Don’t be afraid to take a break to revive – but make sure you set yourself a deadline and time to get back into it. A short break can do wonders for reinvigorating your desire to achieve your goals.
  • Try to use mini-goals and milestones where possible so that next pit-stop towards your goal doesn’t seem that far away. And lots of little achievements towards your goal is a great motivator to keep up that momentum.
  • Develop a good measurement system for your goal so that you can ‘see’ progress, and then make sure you regularly review your progress against this measurement system. As you achieve progress – even little-by-little – you’ll see the results from your efforts and be inspired to continue.
  • It’s all about attitude and motivation – keep a positive can-do attitude towards your goal and find motivational techniques that work for YOU.
It’s also helpful to keep in mind Andrew Lloyd Webbers’s next line “Don’t close doors, keep an escape clause – because you might lose the big apple.”

In other words, be open to new opportunities and ideas – there may even be a new way of getting to your goal – be flexible with your plan and change it if it isn’t taking you in the right direction, and don’t lose sight of your ‘big apple’.

Well, that’s all for now!
But don’t worry, the next edition of “The Goal Kicker” is only a month away.

We would love to get your feedback on “The Goal Kicker”– what do you like? What don’t you like? - so we can make it even better.

Catch you next month!
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