Peacock - Eagle

My peacock score was 15 and my eagle score was 13. I'm a teacher and I admit to my students that I'm a much better talker than listener. I teach Family & Consumer Science and we learn about active listening in all my classes.

Over the years, I have learned to listen but it remains a challenge. However, listening is just like any skill...the more you practice the better you get at it.

I also tend to get side tracked sometimes by discussions, the social side of the peacock. It's a good thing most of my classes are about communicating and building relationships. I really enjoy my students and I enjoy the social aspects of my job.

In my personal life I married an Eagle Owl combo and we have been know to clash sometimes. He is not nearly as social as I am and doesn't enjoy being around people as much. We compromise and have been married 30 years.

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